FAA Private Pilot written test prep – Airplane Instruments, Engines, and Systems

Private pilot written test prep

Compass Error / Pitot-Static Systems

The “VD-MONA” of Errors:

Remember this helpful acronym: VD-MONA. It encompasses the five main culprits to watch out for:

1. Variation: This refers to the difference between true north (geographic north) and magnetic north. It varies depending on your location and changes over time. Pilots consult charts and instruments to account for this deviation.

2. Deviation: This is the error caused by metal objects and electrical equipment within the aircraft itself. Think engines, radios, and even your coffee mug! Each aircraft has a unique “deviation card” detailing these magnetic interferences, which pilots use to compensate.

3. Magnetic Dip: This arises because Earth’s magnetic field isn’t horizontal. As you fly further north or south, the compass needle dips, causing errors especially when turning. Pilots learn correction techniques to account for this.

4. Oscillation: Turbulence or maneuvers can cause the compass needle to swing, making it difficult to read an accurate heading. Fluid-filled compasses help dampen these oscillations, but awareness is key.

5. Northerly Turning Error (part of Magnetic Dip): When accelerating on an easterly or westerly heading, the compass tends to show a turn north, and vice versa when decelerating. Pilots use the mnemonic “ANDS” (Accelerate North, Decelerate South) to remember this behavior.

Beyond the Basics:

These are just the tip of the iceberg. Other factors like magnetic storms and local anomalies can further affect compass accuracy. Pilots rely on training, experience, and backup navigation systems to mitigate these challenges.

Staying Compass-ionate:

While magnetic compasses have limitations, they remain valuable tools for pilots. Understanding their errors empowers you to navigate with confidence and contribute to the magic of flight!

Airplane Instruments, Engines, and Systems (1)

Compass Error

Pitot Static System

1 / 11

In the Northern Hemisphere, a magnetic compass will normally indicate a turn toward the north if

2 / 11

During flight, when are the indications of a magnetic compass accurate?

3 / 11

Deviation in a magnetic compass is caused by the

4 / 11

In the Northern Hemisphere, if an aircraft is accelerated or decelerated, the magnetic compass will normally indicate

5 / 11

In the Northern Hemisphere, a magnetic compass will normally indicate initially a turn toward the west if

6 / 11

In the Northern Hemisphere, the magnetic compass will normally indicate a turn toward the south when

7 / 11

In the Northern Hemisphere, a magnetic compass will normally indicate initially a turn toward the east if

8 / 11

The pitot system provides impact pressure for which instrument?

9 / 11

Which instrument will become inoperative if the pitot tube becomes clogged?

10 / 11

If the pitot tube and outside static vents become clogged, which instruments would be affected?

11 / 11

Which instrument(s) will become inoperative if the static vents become clogged?

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Airspeed Indicator (ASI)


  • Measures indicated airspeed (IAS), the aircraft’s speed relative to the surrounding airmass.
  • Provides essential information for various flight phases like takeoff, climb, cruise, descent, and landing.
  • Helps pilots avoid exceeding airspeed limitations and prevent stalls.


  • Mechanical ASI: Uses pitot tube and static port to measure pressure difference for airspeed calculation.
  • Electronic ASI: Employs sensors and algorithms to determine airspeed based on pressure and temperature data.


  • Dial: Displays airspeed in knots or mph.
  • Pointer: Indicates current airspeed.
  • Colored arcs:
    • Green: Normal operating range.
    • Yellow: Caution range, indicates approaching limitations.
    • Red: Danger zone, exceeding airspeed can be catastrophic.
  • Flags: May indicate malfunctions.

Important Considerations:

  • IAS vs. True Airspeed (TAS): IAS differs from TAS (speed relative to ground) due to wind influence. Pilots use correction factors.
  • Altitude Calibration: ASI readings are accurate at specific altitudes. Correction charts are essential for different altitudes.
  • Icing: Icing on the pitot tube can lead to inaccurate readings. Pilots must be aware and take preventive measures.

Airplane Instruments, Engines, and Systems (2)

Airspeed Indicator (ASI)

1 / 11

What does the red line on an airspeed indicator represent?

2 / 11

What is an important airspeed limitation that is not color coded on airspeed indicators?

3 / 11

(Refer to figure 4.) What is the caution range of the airplane?

4 / 11

(Refer to figure 4.) The maximum speed at which the airplane can be operated in smooth air is

5 / 11

(Refer to figure 4.) What is the full flap operating range for the airplane?

6 / 11

(Refer to figure 4.) Which color identifies the never-exceed speed?

7 / 11

(Refer to figure 4.) Which color identifies the power-off stalling speed in a specified configuration?

8 / 11

(Refer to figure 4.) What is the maximum flaps-extended speed?

9 / 11

(Refer to figure 4.) Which color identifies the normal flap operating range?

10 / 11

(Refer to figure 4.) Which color identifies the power-off stalling speed with wing flaps and landing gear in the landing configuration?

11 / 11

(Refer to figure 4.) What is the maximum structural cruising speed?

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Altemeter / Types of Altitude


  • Measures pressure altitude, the height of the aircraft above a standard pressure level (29.92 inches of mercury).
  • Crucial for maintaining safe separation from terrain and other aircraft, especially during climb, descent, and en route operations.
  • Provides information for calculating various performance parameters like climb rate and descent rate.


  • Mechanical altimeter: Uses an aneroid capsule to measure pressure changes and translate them into altitude readings.
  • Electronic altimeter: Employs sensors and digital displays to provide altitude information.


  • Dial: Displays pressure altitude in hundreds and thousands of feet.
  • Pointer: Indicates current altitude.
  • Barometric pressure setting knob: Allows pilots to adjust for local atmospheric pressure, ensuring accurate readings.
  • Sensitivity knob: Adjusts the rate of climb/descent displayed on the vertical speed indicator (VSI).

Airplane Instruments, Engines, and Systems (3)


Types of Altitude

1 / 10

(Refer to figure 3.) Altimeter 2 indicates

2 / 10

(Refer to figure 3.) Altimeter 1 indicates

3 / 10

(Refer to figure 3.) Altimeter 3 indicates

4 / 10

(Refer to figure 3.) Which altimeter(s) indicate(s) more than 10,000 feet?

5 / 10

What is absolute altitude?

6 / 10

What is true altitude?

7 / 10

What is density altitude?

8 / 10

Under what condition is pressure altitude and density altitude the same value?

9 / 10

Under what condition is indicated altitude the same as true altitude?

10 / 10

Under which condition will pressure altitude be equal to true altitude?

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Setting the Altimeter / Altemeter Errors

Important Considerations:

  • Pressure vs. Geometric Altitude: Pressure altitude differs from geometric altitude (true height above ground) due to variations in atmospheric pressure. This is especially relevant at higher altitudes.
  • QNH vs. QNE Settings: Setting the altimeter to QNH (altimeter pressure equal to local station pressure) gives pressure altitude, while QNE (altimeter pressure equal to standard pressure) gives altitude above sea level. Pilots choose the appropriate setting based on regulations and operational needs.
  • Altimeter Errors: Several factors can cause altimeter errors, including instrument malfunctions, temperature variations, and pressure changes. Pilots need to be aware of these errors and apply corrections when necessary.

Airplane Instruments, Engines, and Systems (4)

Setting the Altimeter

Altimeter Errors

1 / 9

What is pressure altitude?

2 / 9

Altimeter setting is the value to which the barometric pressure scale of the altimeter is set so the altimeter indicates

3 / 9

If it is necessary to set the altimeter from 29.15 to 29.85, what change occurs?

4 / 9

If a pilot changes the altimeter setting from 30.11 to 29.96, what is the approximate change in indication?

5 / 9

If a flight is made from an area of low pressure into an area of high pressure without the altimeter setting being adjusted, the altimeter will indicate

6 / 9

If a flight is made from an area of high pressure into an area of lower pressure without the altimeter setting being adjusted, the altimeter will indicate

7 / 9

Which condition would cause the altimeter to indicate a lower altitude than true altitude?

8 / 9

Under what condition will true altitude be lower than indicated altitude?

9 / 9

How do variations in temperature affect the altimeter?

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Gyroscopic Instruments / Engine Temperature

Key Gyroscopic Instruments:

  • Attitude Indicator (AI) or Artificial Horizon:
    • Displays aircraft’s pitch and roll attitude relative to the horizon.
    • Crucial for maintaining level flight, performing maneuvers, and visual approaches.
  • Turn Coordinator (TC) or Turn and Slip Indicator (TSI):
    • Indicates rate of turn (coordinated vs. slipping) and aircraft bank angle.
    • Essential for coordinated turns, preventing skids, and maintaining smooth maneuvers.
  • Heading Indicator (HI) or Gyrocompass:
    • Maintains a magnetic heading reference even when affected by magnetic dip or variation.
    • Valuable for maintaining course heading and navigation, especially in areas with compass errors.

Important Considerations:

  • Gyro precession: Gyroscopes exhibit a slight lag when responding to rapid changes, requiring pilots to anticipate their movement.
  • Vacuum system dependence: Some gyroscopic instruments rely on a vacuum system, requiring pilots to understand emergency procedures in case of system failure.
  • Cross-checking and backup systems: Pilots should always cross-check readings from different instruments and utilize backup systems like magnetic compasses to verify information.

Airplane Instruments, Engines, and Systems (5)

Gyroscopic Instruments

Engine Temperature

1 / 11

(Refer to figure 7.) The proper adjustment to make on the attitude indicator during level flight is to align the

2 / 11

(Refer to figure 7.) How should a pilot determine the direction of bank from an attitude indicator such as the one illustrated?

3 / 11

(Refer to figure 5.) A turn coordinator provides an indication of the

4 / 11

(Refer to figure 6.) To receive accurate indications during flight from a heading indicator, the instrument must be

5 / 11

An abnormally high engine oil temperature indication may be caused by

6 / 11

Excessively high engine temperatures will

7 / 11

For internal cooling, reciprocating aircraft engines are especially dependent on

8 / 11

If the engine oil temperature and cylinder head temperature gauges have exceeded their normal operating range, the pilot may have been operating with

9 / 11

What action can a pilot take to aid in cooling an engine that is overheating during a climb?

10 / 11

What is one procedure to aid in cooling an engine that is overheating?

11 / 11

How is engine operation controlled on an engine equipped with a constant-speed propeller?

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Constant speed propeller / Engine Ignition System


  • Maintains a preselected engine RPM automatically through variable blade pitch, regardless of airspeed or engine power.
  • Offers superior performance and efficiency compared to fixed-pitch propellers across various flight phases.
  • Enables precise engine management, simplifying pilot workload and optimizing engine operations.


  • Propeller blades: Adjustable pitch angle for varying thrust output.
  • Governor: Senses engine RPM and adjusts blade pitch electronically or hydraulically to maintain the set RPM.
  • Propeller control lever: Pilot input to select desired RPM.


  • Maintains optimal engine RPM for maximum power, efficiency, and propeller efficiency at various airspeeds.
  • Simplifies engine management, allowing pilots to focus on other tasks.
  • Reduces pilot workload during takeoff, climb, cruise, descent, and landing.
  • Provides better engine cooling by adjusting blade pitch for airflow control.


  • Understanding governor operation and limitations is crucial for safe and effective use.
  • Malfunctions can occur, requiring pilots to follow specific emergency procedures outlined in the aircraft operating handbook.
  • Proper maintenance and inspections are essential for ensuring reliable operation.

Airplane Instruments, Engines, and Systems (6)

Constant speed propeller

Engine Ignition Systems

Carburetor Icing

1 / 9

A precaution for the operation of an engine equipped with a constant-speed propeller is to

2 / 9

What is an advantage of a constant-speed propeller?

3 / 9

One purpose of the dual ignition system on an aircraft engine is to provide for

4 / 9

With regard to carburetor ice, float-type carburetor systems in comparison to fuel injection systems are generally considered to be

5 / 9

The operating principle of float-type carburetors is based on the

6 / 9

If an aircraft is equipped with a fixed-pitch propeller and a float-type carburetor, the first indication of carburetor ice would most likely be

7 / 9

The presence of carburetor ice in an aircraft equipped with a fixed-pitch propeller can be verified by applying carburetor heat and noting

8 / 9

Which condition is most favorable to the development of carburetor icing?

9 / 9

The possibility of carburetor icing exists even when the ambient air temperature is as

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  • Mixes fuel and air in the correct proportions for combustion in the engine.
  • Maintains a relatively constant fuel-air mixture across various engine power settings.
  • Less complex than fuel injection systems, but more susceptible to malfunctions and limitations.


  • Float-type carburetors: Most common type, uses a float and venturi to regulate fuel flow based on air intake.
  • Pressure-type carburetors: Less common, uses a fuel pump and diaphragm to control fuel flow.


  • Venturi: Creates a low-pressure zone that draws fuel into the air stream.
  • Float chamber: Maintains a constant fuel level for consistent fuel flow.
  • Metering jets: Control the amount of fuel mixed with air at different power settings.
  • Throttle valve: Controls the amount of air entering the carburetor, indirectly affecting fuel flow.


  • Sensitive to changes in altitude and temperature: Requires adjustments to maintain proper fuel-air mixture.
  • Susceptible to carburetor icing: Can block airflow and fuel flow, leading to engine power loss.
  • Less precise fuel metering compared to fuel injection systems.

Airplane Instruments, Engines, and Systems (7)

Carburetor Heat

Fuel/Air Mixture

Abnormal Combustion

1 / 8

Generally speaking, the use of carburetor heat tends to

2 / 8

Applying carburetor heat will

3 / 8

What change occurs in the fuel/air mixture when carburetor heat is applied?

4 / 8

During the run-up at a high-elevation airport, a pilot notes a slight engine roughness that is not affected by the magneto check but grows worse during the carburetor heat check. Under these circumstances, what would be the most logical initial action?

5 / 8

The basic purpose of adjusting the fuel/air mixture at altitude is to

6 / 8

While cruising at 9,500 feet MSL, the fuel/air mixture is properly adjusted. What will occur if a descent to 4,500 feet MSL is made without readjusting the mixture?

7 / 8

Detonation occurs in a reciprocating aircraft engine when

8 / 8

If a pilot suspects that the engine (with a fixed-pitch propeller) is detonating during climb-out after takeoff, the initial corrective action to take would be to

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Aviation Fuel / Electrical System


  • Generates, regulates, and distributes electrical power throughout the aircraft.
  • Powers essential equipment like navigation, communication, instruments, lighting, and engine systems.
  • Ensures smooth operation of various functions, contributing to pilot workload reduction and situational awareness.


  • Battery: Stores electrical energy and provides initial power after engine start.
  • Alternator or generator: Converts mechanical energy from the engine into electrical energy.
  • Voltage regulator: Maintains a constant voltage level in the system.
  • Bus bars: Conductors that distribute electrical power to different circuits.
  • Circuit breakers: Protect circuits from overloading and prevent electrical fires.

Key Points:

  • Different aircraft have different electrical system configurations. Pilots must familiarize themselves with the specific system in their aircraft.
  • Understanding normal system operation and limitations is crucial for safe flight. This includes knowing how to identify and respond to potential electrical malfunctions.
  • Emergency procedures exist for various electrical failures. Pilots must be trained on these procedures and be able to execute them effectively.

Further Considerations:

  • Battery management: Pilots need to understand how to properly manage the battery to ensure sufficient power for startup and critical systems.
  • Load shedding: In case of electrical emergencies, pilots may need to shed non-essential loads to preserve power for critical systems.
  • Grounding: Proper grounding is essential for preventing electrical shock and equipment damage.
  • Maintenance: Regular maintenance of the electrical system is crucial for its safe and reliable operation.

Airplane Instruments, Engines, and Systems (8)

Aviation Fuel Practices

Starting the Engine

Electrical System

1 / 8

If the grade of fuel used in an aircraft engine is lower than specified for the engine, it will most likely cause

2 / 8

The uncontrolled firing of the fuel/air charge in advance of normal spark ignition is known as

3 / 8

What type fuel can be substituted for an aircraft if the recommended octane is not available?

4 / 8

Filling the fuel tanks after the last flight of the day is considered a good operating procedure because this will

5 / 8

On aircraft equipped with fuel pumps, when is the auxiliary electric driven pump used?

6 / 8

Which would most likely cause the cylinder head temperature and engine oil temperature gauges to exceed their normal operating ranges?

7 / 8

What should be the first action after starting an aircraft engine?

8 / 8

Should it become necessary to handprop an airplane engine, it is extremely important that a competent pilot

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